"I wish I never cut my hair!"
This made us laugh as I think its safe to say most of us have said this at some point and this is where we come in handy !!...

Ombre Hair Extensions
All our hair is hand coloured to give a precise colour match which is key to natural looking hair extensions especially with Ombre and...

Discreet Hand Made Nano Tips!
This picture shows just how discreet our Hand Made La Bella Nano tips are! Applied Neatly in sections which when your hair it tied up or...

Reason to Sparkle!
Leading up to Xmas every one gets glammed up for the festivities however at La Bella we believe every Season should be a reason to...

People Will Stare... Make it worth their while!
Safe to say all the La Bella Technicians make hair contact before eye contact! And I'm pretty sure in general it is one of the first...

Client Selfie - La Bella Hair Extensions
Once again being spoilt with our gorgeous client selfies! All the before and after pictures are taken from the back so we love to get to...

Pinterest @Labellahairext
Pinterest is a great way to find new styles for your hair extensions! We pin plenty of great ideas to different boards so why not follow...

To Get Hair Extensions or Not To Get Hair Extensions!?...
...Now that is the question! You may have heard many horror stories or even have some of your own! Many technicians apply hair...

La Bella Hair Extensions - Curled!
You may notice in our gallery that all the pictures are of straight hair! We do this to show there are no visible lines between the...
Natural Looking Hair Extensions!
All our extensions are made using high quality hair this means you can move your hair about freely without concern for matting or notting!...