La Bella Brunettes
All of our Dark Brunette hair is Virgin Hair, this means the hair is literally un touched (other than washed and blowdried!) All the hair...

FAQ: Hair Extensions and Pregnancy?
During Pregnancy many women find their hair will be at its best, thick, full and shiny and they can continue to wear hair extensions as...

Insane Corkscrew Curls <3
We are in loveeee with these pictures of our gorgeous client Francesca! She recently had her 20" La Bella Hair extensions styled to...

La Bella Nano Tip Hair Extensions
With so many different brands of extensions what makes us different? All our extensions are hand made, this allows us to source high...

The Gorgeous Jules Claiborne Blogger
Our gorgeous blogger Jules has just had her third Annual Fresh set of our gorgeous 20" Virgin European La Bella Nano Tips which look...

Long Lasting Virgin Hair Extensions
Our hair really does last! All our European hair in the dark colours is unprocessed meaning it hasn't been treated with any chemicals -...

Naturally Curly La Bella Hair
If you have naturally very curly hair we can also offer our stunning NATURALLY CURLY - No perming! - Brazilian Hair - its soft its shiny...